"Your career is like a garden. It can hold an assortment of life's energy that yields a bounty for you." — Jennifer Ritchie Payette
Meet Inayah
We’ll get to know you more, but here’s my story.
I am a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Career Transformation Specialist, and Owner of Chrysallis Lab Career Consulting.
My vision is for Chrysallis Lab Career Consulting to be a transformational space for career-starters and career-changers seeking, helping bridge the gap between career aspiration and career alignment and fulfillment. From my early career experiences, I developed a passion for professional growth and development, college and career readiness, and holistic wellness and this is what fuels the work that I do with my clients.
I’ve always had a passion for mentoring, counseling, and teaching but my love for resume writing and all things career readiness and development stemmed from when I struggled to find a job after finishing graduate school. I didn’t know the first thing about how to communicate my value in the workplace. I applied to hundreds of different jobs in different industries. My resume was often underdeveloped and misaligned with the job description. Like so many job seekers, I was desperate. I had no sense of direction, and I was becoming discouraged.
Through trial and error, I discovered that my career challenges as an entry-level professional and recent graduate were due in part because I failed to tell my story – essentially to develop my personal career brand, and accurately reflect this on my resume and cover letter.
After applying to hundreds of jobs, perfecting my resume, and identifying my key strengths and skills, I grew an appreciation for resume writing. I have since mastered the art of resume writing and professional development in order to gain more fulfillment in my career and I am on a mission to share my toolbox of career development resources with you.
Now let’s get started on your career transformation!
Inayah Baaqee